On the off chance your Ultra E-Bike's face shield gets scratched/damaged, you'll be able to replace them. However, please do note that only the UEB Version 2's face shields are replaceable.
To tell if your UEB is a V2, simply check if the port on the side light area has a ridge where you can pry open:
To replace the shield, simply follow these steps:
1. Use a tweezer and carefully pry open the cover.
2. Once the cover pops off, unscrew both screws on each side of the face shield.
3. Gently pop them out and insert the new face shield into place. Make sure they align correctly! You should hear a pop sound when they click into place
4. Place the screws back and close the port. Now you're all set!
If you have any difficulties installing the face shield, please do reach out to us directly at support@lumoshelmet.co
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