Occasionally, we'll have updates on our helmet's firmware. If we have an update available, you'll be able to check it on the Lumos App.
In order to update the firmware, please ensure that your helmet is turned on, and is paired with the Lumos App on your smartphone. If you have not paired your helmet with the Lumos App yet, you can do so by following the steps in this article. We recommend having the latest version of our app installed.
Then depending on the version of your app it will automatically ask you to update the firmware of your helmet if an update is available. If this does not happen automatically, you can go to Help Center > Helmet Firmware Update > Update Firmware.
Please also check if the battery level of your helmet is at least 30% and if your smartphone is connected to a good WiFi or data connection.
Firmware Update Successful
Your helmet will turn off after a successful firmware update and you will no longer be prompted to update firmware via the app. You can also verify that you have the latest firmware version via the Help Center. You can the version listed there, provided your helmet is turned on and paired with the app.
Still facing issues?
If you still have issues, we recommend you try and restart your phone. Turn it off, turn it on. Sometimes the Bluetooth signal needs to be reset.
If the update continues to fail, please read this article.
If this doesn't work, please email us at support@lumoshelmet.co with the subject line "Unable to update helmet firmware - [phone model], [OS version], [Lumos App version]"
Please also include:
- A screenshot of the error if possible
- A quick description of what you've tried and what is not working.
Subject: Unable to update helmet firmware - iPhone 6, iOS 11.4, Lumos 2.3 (4)
[Attach screenshot]
I am unable to update my helmet firmware, it keeps on freezing at 65% downloaded.
*If you have sent an email to our Support Team, kindly ensure to also check your spam/junk folder for our reply, just in case it winds up there.
Ich würde gerne in DEUTSCH mit Ihnen kommunizieren, sonst bringt mir das alles hier nicht viel, da ich kein Englisch spreche oder lese..
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Detlev Grützmacher
Hi Detlev, leider sind unsere Support-Informationen derzeit nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. Sie können eine E-Mail an unser Support Team senden, support@lumoshelmet.co. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!
Hallo liebes Team, ich hätte gerne eine vernünftige Anleitung, wie ich den Helm und das Handy paaren kann. Leider funktioniert es weder mit meinem Samsung s9 oder mit dem Samsung s10. Außerdem finde ich es sehr nervig, dass es nur noch 1 Ladekabel gibt, bei älteren Helmen gab es 2 Ladekabel. Die Händler, die die Helmen teuer verkaufen können auch nicht weiterhelfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Frauke Glaß-Fricke
Hi Frauke, danke für ihre Frage! Unser Support-Team ist mit Ihnen in Kontakt und hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.
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